Monday 7 February 2011


Since my last post my whole life went 360 degrees...

I met a french dude that I first did not like at all, he was short and old I thought. I wasn't feeling him one bit, I danced with him not thinking much about it. When he tried to kiss me I stopped him since I was not attracted. That was on a friday, tuesday I saw him at bar salsa and I said hi and talked a bit. I later looked fr him on facebook and added him, by then I was reconsidering him. We saw each other again at bar salsa danced a bit of samba and got each others numbers. On my birthday we went for a coffee and he kissed me....and today he just left after spending the night....but nothing happened and I was happy

Thursday 20 January 2011


LOL first

So I went on Tuesday to bar salsa for a friend's birthday, it was FAB! I loved the place, it was brazilian night and I learnt to dance all the styles, it was really cool and I met some friendly people ( a bit too much ). I got offered a discount at a Brazilian restaurant, I guess I will go celebrate my birthday there then ;0....anyways what  I wanted to write about is that I have decided that after soccer season finishes, I will be attending salsa classes!!! I can't wait ^^

Mini challenge

I have started a challenge into being more healthy, I went to Tesco and bought some fruits and vegs and a new bottle of water of 1 Litter. I have decided to eat healthy and thus eat 5 to 6 portions of vegetables and fruits every day and drink 2 litters of water. I have been quite successful even though I am a real camel, I hate drinking water I can go for an entire week without it, plus I hate vegs ( i know bad). I have celery, tomatoes,  avocados, chinese leaf and some other vegetable ( note to self: buy carrots and make soup). I also got blueberries, strawberries and kiwis. I try to control my addiction to chocolate which I am allergic ( like really I get a zit the next day and it's no my imagination or a myth).

I whip my HAIR!

So far so good, transitioning to natural has been going great. I have finally mastered the bantu-knot in the cold and humid weather of London and I rocked it with no frizz coming. I have actually found a regimen I think I will be following.
I must say my hair is very well-behaved, it rarely gets dry or has breakage. Usually complies to whatever I decide to. Detangling is a breeze even though I have been relaxer free for 8 months ( yeah baby ;)). My only problem is I suck at styling my own hair and my scalp demands to be 100per cent clean or else it itches like crazy.

My only fear is that it won't grow or something but even that it seems okay...hope the good stuff continues

At peace

I had started by looking for love ( well some sort) desperately which lead me to meet many idiots, but lately I have been feeling at peace, enjoying me so much I don't want to give it up. I used to feel the pressure of having absolutely to try grab a guy s attention every time I go out, it used be the fun part of the night. If it didn't happen then it was a bad night.
Now I am more calm and I am happy just being.


Thursday 13 January 2011

Resolutions re edited!

 So i red edited my resolutions so it would be easier to follow them, here it goes:

1 Explore London life

2 Make friends and take care of friendships

3 Save money

4. Internet diet

5 Find a regimen

6. Wear braces

7. Get to know people before throwing yourself at them

8. Keep things neat

9. Read more books and newspapers

10 Be consistent


I was reflecting after having failed at following my priorities, after feeling during the whole week lost and tired, that what I need is consistency. Its a haunting word that has continually been repeated to me since elementary. I was always the okay student that never showed consistency, the kid that starts something but never finishes, has great ideas but never follows through...I am so scared of this word, I am scared at failing to do the things I promised.
I guess the problem is I am scared, because each time sometimes goes wrong I am ready to give up and try a new project. I am going to again review my resolutions, edited them and make sure that I will follow them through.